Über die Quelle

The Australian Journal of Management was founded at the fledgling Australian Graduate School of Management in 1976. The foundation editor Ray Ball was followed by Chris Adam, John Conybeare, the late Vic Taylor, Phillip Yetton, John Roberts, Robert Marks and Baljit Sidhu.
The objectives of the Australian Journal of Management are to encourage and publish research in the field of management. The terms management and research are both broadly defined. The former includes the management of firms, groups, industries, regulatory bodies, government, and other institutions. The latter encompasses both discipline- and problem-based research. Consistent with the policy, the Australian Journal of Management publishes research in accounting, applied economics, finance, industrial relations, political science, psychology, statistics, and other disciplines, provided the application is to management, as well as research in areas such as marketing, corporate strategy, operations management, organisation development, decision analysis, and other problem-focused paradigms.
The Australian Journal of Management is interested in original, innovative and highly rigorous research. The domain of study (be it defined by country, management problem, or methodological approach) is much less important than quality and interest to both an academic readership and, preferably, a sophisticated practitioner one.
What distinguishes the Australian Journal of Management from other journals is its emphasis on general management. In practice, this means that high quality articles within the discipline areas listed below will be entertained while cross-disciplinary approaches, addressing cross-disciplinary problems, or with cross-disciplinary managerial implications will be particularly well received.
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The objectives of the Australian Journal of Management are to encourage and publish research in the field of management. The terms management and research are both broadly defined. The former includes the management of firms, groups, industries, regulatory bodies, government, and other institutions. The latter encompasses both discipline- and problem-based research. Consistent with the policy, the Australian Journal of Management publishes research in accounting, applied economics, finance, industrial relations, political science, psychology, statistics, and other disciplines, provided the application is to management, as well as research in areas such as marketing, corporate strategy, operations management, organisation development, decision analysis, and other problem-focused paradigms.
The Australian Journal of Management is interested in original, innovative and highly rigorous research. The domain of study (be it defined by country, management problem, or methodological approach) is much less important than quality and interest to both an academic readership and, preferably, a sophisticated practitioner one.
What distinguishes the Australian Journal of Management from other journals is its emphasis on general management. In practice, this means that high quality articles within the discipline areas listed below will be entertained while cross-disciplinary approaches, addressing cross-disciplinary problems, or with cross-disciplinary managerial implications will be particularly well received.
SAGE Publications Ltd
1 Oliver's Yard
55 City Road
London, EC1Y 1SP
Phone: +44 (0) 20 7 324 8500
Fax: +44 (0) 20 7 324 8600
E-mail: market@sagepub.co.uk